Imperial Mathematics Competition consists of two rounds of competition, the preliminary round will be around Early December 2017 and the final round will be around March 2017. We will have both individual and group competitions. Students in their undergraduate studies across UK and Europe are invited to join.

For the individual competitions, the preliminary round will take place at the student’s home institution. We will invite the best 30-40 students in the preliminary round to Imperial College London to join the final round. There will be six questions in each of the individual round lasting three hours. We will have questions in analysis, algebra, probability, mechanics, discrete mathematics and geometry set by leading professors at Imperial College London and other partnership universities. Each question will be marked on a scale of 20.

The group competition in March will have three parts, namely Crossnumber, Shuttle, and Relay. The format is similar to the Senior Team Mathematics Challenge offered by United Kingdom Mathematics Trust, but we have changed some of the rules to make it suitable for our own. We will add up the score of each team in all three parts to determine the overall winner.

  1. Crossnumber (weighting 25%): Similar to the crossword but with numerical answers. There will be 20 questions. The quickest team to solve all the questions correctly will win.
  2. Shuttle (weighting 50%): The answer to the first question is independent of others, but the answer to each subsequent question is dependent on the previous answer. There will be 40 questions, 10 questions per person.
  3. Relay (weighting 25%): The teams will split into two pairs to compete against time. There will be 20 questions in total, 10 questions in the pair.

Possible Prizes(will require approval from relevant parties)

For individual competitions, we will award the best 10 individuals in the final round and also an award for the best female performer in the competition to encourage women joining the STEM industry. For group competitions, we will award the best 3 teams in the overall competition. Winners of these awards also have the priority in getting Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) with our professors.